Contractors All Risk-Insurance Policy Explained
Picture above from MorgueFile By Alvimann
What is a Contractors All Risk Insurance policy?
Contractors All Risk Insurance is a policy that insures the principal/employer and covers the contract works undertaken by the contractor and subcontractors.
CivilSure offers 2 types of Contractors All Risk Insurance policies:
1. Contractors All Risk Once Off
This Contractors Insurance policy is taken on a once-off basis. When you are awarded a tender, we will provide you with quotes for cover on that specific project based on its value and risks. The cover will end when the project is complete.
2. Contractors All Risk Annual
This Contractors Insurance policy is slightly more comprehensive than the once-off policy. You will be quoted on your Annual Projection and Maximum Contract Value. The Contractor’s All Risk policy will cover all your projects undertaken in the year of the policy inception. The premium is generally lower than the Contractors All Risk Once Off policy if you work it out annually.
The Contractors All Risk Insurance Policy covers the following risks:
• The Contract works
• Spread of Fire
• Theft
• Flooding
• Earthquakes
• Landslides
• Surrounding property
• Debris removal
• Public liability
• Transit and Storage Limit
• Theft of Cables
• Piping & Wiring and more on request.
• Annual policies also allow the addition of Plant All Risk Cover.
With notable exclusions such as:
No wooden or thatch buildings unless specifically declared
Excludes offshore risks, shaft sinking, underground mining, and tunneling – unless specifically declared
Excludes defective workmanship, material & design
Excludes Professional Indemnity for engineers or architects (fault / error of professional people)
Excludes Loss of or damage to vehicles licensed for general road use or waterborne vessels or aircraft
No cover for principal’s advanced loss of profits – cover is available – (please advise if you require this)
Excluded contractors plant, tools and equipment- cover is available – (please advise if you require this)
Excludes Plant hired in – cover is available – (please advise if you require this)
This advertorial was supplied by CivilSure to assist anyone doing any form of construction. You can contact them find and out more about CivilSure Insurance Policies at 080 777 777 1

Why is Insurance Important On a Construction Site
Insurance is an incredibly important aspect of any construction project, as it offers protection for workers and the company itself in case of accidents or other unforeseen events. Without the proper insurance coverage, a construction site can be put at risk of significant losses due to medical expenses, property damage, legal costs and lost wages resulting from an injury or accident.
Insurance is essential
Insurance is an essential component of any construction project, and it is important to ensure that all parties – workers, contractors, and the company itself – are adequately protected in the event of an accident or other unforeseen circumstance. In addition to offering financial protection in the case of injury or property damage, insurance provides peace of mind for everyone involved. Without appropriate coverage, a business could face significant losses due to medical bills, legal fees, and lost wages resulting from an incident on-site.
Having adequate insurance coverage on a construction site is especially important because there are many inherent risks associated with this type of work. For instance, tools can malfunction and cause serious injury to employees; hazardous materials may cause fires or explosions; workers can slip or trip over unstable terrain; equipment can be damaged due to weather conditions; and the list goes on. All of these potential hazards can lead to costly financial losses if they are not properly addressed through insurance coverage.
Beneficial for Both Employers and Employees
Furthermore, having appropriate insurance coverage is beneficial for both employers and employees alike. It allows employers to provide their workers with access to quality healthcare resources in the event of injury without having to pay out-of-pocket expenses. This helps keep costs low while ensuring that employees are receiving the care they need in a timely manner.
For workers, having access to insurance means that they will be able to receive compensation for any medical bills or lost wages associated with an accident sustained at work. This ensures that their families will have some form of financial stability during the recovery period following an incident on-site.
In addition, having insurance coverage provides businesses with liability protection should someone get injured at the workplace or from one’s products or services.
This means that companies are not held responsible for any damages caused by their negligence or reckless behavior as long as they have proper coverage in place.
This also gives them peace of mind knowing that they will not be held accountable for any claims made against them should something go wrong at their job site.
Finally, having appropriate insurance is beneficial for compliance purposes as well. It ensures that businesses adhere to local laws and regulations governing construction sites so that they stay on the right side of government bodies like OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration).
Insurance Policies
Insurance policies also help companies remain compliant with contractual obligations outlined in their contracts with clients or partners so that they can continue doing business without issue.
In summary, it is clear why having sufficient insurance coverage is essential for any construction project: it protects both employers and employees from suffering financial losses due to accidents occurring at work; it provides liability protection against negligence or reckless behavior; and it helps businesses adhere to various state laws and contractual agreements pertaining to safety standards onsite.
By taking steps such as obtaining adequate insurance coverage prior to starting a project, companies can ensure that everyone involved remains safe while reducing the risk of incurring costly legal fees down the line should something go wrong during construction activities.