demolition house
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Before You Demolish: Essential Rules You Need to Know (Part E)

Site Safety during Demolitions-Part E The process of demolition is a critical precursor to new construction, but it requires a nuanced understanding of safety regulations outlined in Part E of the National Building Regulations. Part E serves as a guiding light, emphasizing common sense and the exercise of caution. It essentially delves into three pivotal…

Excavations work
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The Hidden Dangers of Excavation: A Look at Part G

Safety and Stability When Doing ExcavationsAre Top Priorities – Part G Part G of the National Building Regulations focuses on excavations and emphasizes the critical importance of safety and stability when engaging in these activities. Even in situations where the ground seems relatively level, excavations are often imperative in the construction of homes. The regulations…

Site clearing excavator
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Prepping for Perfection: How to Clear Your Building Site

Clearing The Site – Getting Ready To Build Preparation is a vital part of any job in the construction industry because if site preparation is not correctly done it can jeopardise the building project. Site clearing operations must also be safe so that there is no chance of anybody being injured. Before you can start…