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Minor Work In Your Garden: Does It Need Approval?

What is “Minor Building Work”? Whatever you construct on your property needs plans, unless it is defined as “minor building work”. Even so, the Act states very well in Part A: General Principles and Requirements (this was previously Part A: Administration), that any structural building work that is defined as “minor building work” requires approval…

johannesburg city
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Building a Better Jozi: Solutions to Illegal Construction

Rapid Urban Decay in Jozi Blamed on Illegal Building The City of Johannesburg has lost control of town-planning infringements, according to an article published in The Star newspaper at the beginning of February 2013. It seems they simply can’t stop them from happening. The Accusations In the article, Ros Greeff, the City’s member of the…

Permits Made Easy: Avoid Building Work Delays
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Permits Made Easy: Avoid Building Work Delays

You Don’t Need Plans for Minor Building Work … But you DO Need Permission to Build Anything you build on your property needs plans unless it is defined as “minor building work”. However, the Act states very clearly in Part A: General Principles and Requirements (this was previously Part A: Administration), that any structural building…

Building lines on Plan
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Legal Boundary, Building Lines, Walls & Fences

How far from the boundary wall must I build? We get a number of questions asking “What are my building lines” and “How close to the boundary am I (or my neighbour) allowed to build?” The site plan above is a sample and is only a guide to the approximate building lines and distances that…