Construction-laws-updates 2024
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New Building Regulations in SA: What You Need to Know

Changes in the South African regulations 2024 The South African construction industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the introduction of new regulations and technological advancements. Staying informed about these updates is crucial for professionals in the industry to ensure compliance, improve efficiency, and seize opportunities for innovation. Key Takeaways: New Safety Standards:…

site operations

Is Your Construction Site Legal? A Look At Part F

Site Operations – Part F – Building Regulations Understanding Building Regulations Ensuring safe and responsible site operations remains paramount within the framework of national building regulations. Part F: Site Operations of the National Building Regulations continues to delineate the essential guidelines to safeguard public safety and protect the local authority’s property. This section addresses various…

SANS 10400 General Principles & Requirements
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Build Right From The Start: SANS 10400 Part A Explained

Design, Planning and Supervision of All Construction Work Must Follow a Legal Process The comprehensive framework outlined in the SANS 10400, otherwise known as the Code of Practice for the Application of the National Building Regulations (NBR), serves as the backbone for ensuring compliance within the construction and building industry. Each section of this code…

Excavations work
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The Hidden Dangers of Excavation: A Look at Part G

Safety and Stability When Doing ExcavationsAre Top Priorities – Part G Part G of the National Building Regulations focuses on excavations and emphasizes the critical importance of safety and stability when engaging in these activities. Even in situations where the ground seems relatively level, excavations are often imperative in the construction of homes. The regulations…

3d-printed house
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The Future Is Here: 3D-Printed Homes In The Netherlands

Five 3D-Printed house projects planned for the Netherlands By this time next year a town in The Netherlands, Eindhoven, will have its first few 3D-printed homes built and ready for people to live in. There are a few companies working together with Eindhoven University of Technology and the local municipality on Project Milestone. 3D-concrete printing…

electric fence
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Shocking Truth: Are You Breaking Electric Fence Laws?

Can you spot the electric fence violations in this picture? We spotted this electric fence installation recently and were shocked to think that a compliance certificate might have been issued. The alternative is that the owners or administrators of the wall used an unqualified electric fence installer, in which case there would be no compliance…

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Town Planning Scheme 2011 – Johannesburg

Consolidated Johannesburg Town Planning Scheme, 2011 Download the Johannesburg Town Planning Scheme document below We have included this Johannesburg Town Planning Scheme document to assist you with accessing the the correct information so that you can make the right decisions when it comes to planning any construction, building and renovation or the purchase of property…

Town Planning
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Town Planning Definitions – Complete with 21 Sections

A List of 21 Town Planning Definitions and TermsUsed in Town Planning Schemes Includes Land Use and Zonings Terms The Johannesburg metropolitan area is the largest, most diverse and most cosmopolitan in South Africa, so we have based this list of Town Planning Definitions definitions from their Town Planning document, see: town-planning-scheme-jhb. These are not…

Concrete mixes
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Strong Foundations: Mix The Perfect Concrete Every Time

Concrete Mixes & Batch Ratios For Different Applications The basic techniques that will enable you to cast a foundation or slab are relatively straightforward. The secret to success lies largely in the correct concrete mixes and quantities being mixed together in the concrete mixes you use. Although the principles of mixing concrete and mortar are…

Site clearing excavator
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Prepping for Perfection: How to Clear Your Building Site

Clearing The Site – Getting Ready To Build Preparation is a vital part of any job in the construction industry because if site preparation is not correctly done it can jeopardise the building project. Site clearing operations must also be safe so that there is no chance of anybody being injured. Before you can start…

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The NHBRC – 8 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The NHBRC – FAQs The NHBRC used to have a page with a number of FAQ (questions and answers) that we now give you on this website. The most common questions and answers we have listed here below. We must point out to all homeowners and potential homeowners, as well as all contractors and homebuilders,…