Fresh Air breeze

Beat The Draft & Breathe Easy-Ventilation For Well Insulated Homes

All About Insulation and Ventilation for Clean, Fresh Air We all need fresh air to live, but how can we ensure that there is always fresh, clean air in the buildings that we live and work in? The answer lies in well-designed ventilation systems that are developed by professionals to keep our buildings healthy and…

Town Planning
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Town Planning Definitions – Complete with 21 Sections

A List of 21 Town Planning Definitions and TermsUsed in Town Planning Schemes Includes Land Use and Zonings Terms The Johannesburg metropolitan area is the largest, most diverse and most cosmopolitan in South Africa, so we have based this list of Town Planning Definitions definitions from their Town Planning document, see: town-planning-scheme-jhb. These are not…

fireman fire

Fire Safety Made Simple: Sans10400 Regulations For Your Building

What SANS 10400: Part T – Fire Protection Says What the Act Says Essentially the legislation is concerned quite simply with the need for all buildings to be designed, constructed and equipped so that in the event of fire: 1 – The occupants or people using the building will be protected – including persons with disabilities;2…

Bathroom Lighting and ventilation
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Breathe Easy, Build Better: Part O Ventilation & Lighting

Good Lighting and Ventilation is Vital for Healthy Living-Part O In terms of the National Building Regulations Part O, all habitable rooms, including bathrooms, showers and toilets (and interestingly enough garages!) must have some form of lighting and ventilation that will enable people to use these rooms safely. The most important aspect is that it…