3d-printed house
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The 3D-Printed House, The Dutch are Going Ahead In Record Time

Five 3D-Printed house projects planned for the Netherlands By this time next year a town in The Netherlands, Eindhoven, will have its first few 3D-printed homes built and ready for people to live in. There are a few companies working together with Eindhoven University of Technology and the local municipality on Project Milestone. 3D-concrete printing…

Dune house full

A Dune House

A Small House in the Dunes – Dune House Jetty and Maarten Min have lived for more than twenty years in a small bungalow with magnificent views that they promised themselves that they would do something stunning with “later”. The bungalow was situated on the sand dunes in Bergen-aan-Zee in North Holland (Dune House). Then…

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Concrete in Cold Weather a Quick Guide

Picture Above: A freshly placed concrete slab still wet on the top surface Cold Weather and Foundations The surrounding local temperature has a big effect on the setting time of cold concrete. The steps to take with foundations during cold weather are outlined below:  Chemical Reaction Hydration is the chemical reaction when cement and water…

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Official Town Planning Scheme 2011 – JHB

Consolidated Johannesburg Town Planning Scheme, 2011 Download the Johannesburg Town Planning Scheme document below We have included this Johannesburg Town Planning Scheme document to assist you with accessing the the correct information so that you can make the right decisions when it comes to planning any construction, building and renovation or the purchase of property…

Town Planning
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National Building Regulations Glossary – Complete

A to Z Glossary of Definitions and Terms Used in the National Building Regulations Code of Practice Every industry has terms and definitions that are specific to that industry, and the building industry is no exception. This glossary of National Building Regulations definitions forms part of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act (Act…

fenestration must be calculated
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Fenestration Calculations (Glass size)

Fenestration and Glazing Guidelines, Procedures, and Calculations. Window area guidelines below The guidelines featured in the pdf below give an idea to anyone wanting to calculate the Fenestration Compliance Procedures in terms of Sans 10400-XA:2011 and SANS 204:2011, what is required, and what is involved. Step-by-step There is a step-by-step guide to area (nett floor)…

The NHBRC manuals
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SANS 10400

SANS 10400 Governs the Design, planning and supervision of all construction work Each section of SANS 10400, the Code of Practice for The application of the National Building Regulations (NBR) is presented with the relevant extract from the building regulations (which is the law), and is then followed by a general commentary explaining how the…

News & Views

Construction News, Views and Interviews There’s always something going on in the world of construction, whether it’s a new building material affected by the building regulations, an innovative technique, an accident on a building site, or an achievement of somebody in the industry that is worthy of attention. While we endeavour to share as much…