Nuwe boumateriaal
Nuwe en innoverende boumateriaal
Selfs al is hierdie innoverende gebou material product was designed and patented by Denny Miller in 2003 it is still an innovative and up-to-date building product. Omni Block is an insulated “stand-alone” structural wall system. It does not require furring strips, additional insulation, or sheetrock to complete the wall, even though numerous finishes may be added for aesthetic purposes.
At its core, Omni Block is a patented insulated cementitious masonry unit (CMU) wall system which combines the benefits of indigenous aggregates, Expanded Polystyrene, thermal lag (the delay, disruption and redirection of heat flow), exposed thermal mass (the absorption of heat), and air tightness. This results in a thermally efficient wall system and is consistent with well-known and widely accepted thermal performance standards.
Dr Sascha Peters is an innovation consultant and materiaal specialist from Germany. Peters is CEO of Haute Innovation, a company that focuses on streamlining innovation processes and providing material to technical methods for getting the products to market quicker. These are a few of the products that he has been focussing on recently.
What are commonly referred to as Neptune balls. They are matted seaweed fibers, this organic brown material can be found washed up on beaches around the world. They can also be used without additives as an insulating material and they have natural fire prevention properties. As it contains hardly any salts and no proteins it does not rot and the fibers are not harmful to the humans. With thermal conductivity of just 0.037 W/(mK), sea balls are highly suitable for building insulation (e.g., in dakke en hout- en baksteenholtemuurstrukture.) Dit word as 'n kommoditeit onder die handelsnaam NeptuTherm verkoop.
Renewable alternatives have to be found to prevent continued destruction of valuable tropical woods and rain forests. So we are always delighted to find products made from renewable composites.
Die Nederlandse vervaardiger Kokoshout het 'n manier gevind om die hout van klapperpalmplantasies te gebruik en dit geskik te maak vir die meubelbedryf en vir vloerbedekking.
Anders as die struktuur van bome, het klapperhout geen jaarringe nie en het 'n gevlekte struktuur waaruit die naam Cocodots ontstaan. Die hout is baie harder aan die buitekant van die stam (buitenste 5 cm) as aan die binnekant, so dit is die hout wat vir hul produk se produksie gebruik word. Die krimping en swelling van klapperhout is minimaal en is harder as eikehout.
Die klapperpalm groei tot 'n hoogte van 20-40 meter, en die deursnee van die stam wissel van 20 tot 35 cm. Die palms word nie dikker oor hul leeftyd nie, net langer. Omtrent elke stukkie van die klapperpalmboom kan gebruik word, van die blare tot die stam vir houtdakke.
The main harvest from the coconut palm is the coconut fruit (fibers, copra and coconut oil). This can be farmed for many years, but when the fruit production stops, the palm is then cut and processed to produce palm wood for wood floors and furniture.
In die verlede het die ou palms niks gedoen nie, totdat ontdek is dat hulle 'n tweede lewe gegee kan word. Herplanting word op 'n gereelde basis gedoen. Die tropiese woude word dus nie geraak deur die gebruik van klapperpalmparketvloere en meubels nie. Klapperhout is gesertifiseer deur die Rainforest Alliance.
Ek het die volgende plaaslike produsent gevind – ABP BOUPRODUKTE (
Dit blyk dat MRH Raadgewende Ingenieurs ( ondervinding met die produk het.
Hallo Stefan,
Ek het nog nie enige maatskappy of individu raakgeloop wat hierdie spesifieke blok hier in SA maak nie. Daar is oor die jare baie produkte op grond van hierdie tema vervaardig. Dit wissel van polistireen gevulde panele wat inmekaar pas om mure te skep tot die omgekeerde waar polistireenblokke as 'n formmork dien en die betonvulling in die holtes gegooi word. As jy wel iets hier teëkom wat gemaak is, laat weet ons asseblief want ons wil graag 'n storie daaroor doen. Dankie
Ek lees jou artikel oor die OMNI blck
( dit
beskikbaar in Suid-Afrika? Indien wel, sal jy omgee om te adviseer wie is