Peace of Mind & a Healthy Home: Part Q Explained
Non-Waterborne Sanitary Waste Disposal Part Q
Die SANS 10400-Deel Q deals with the sanitary waste and the healthy handling and treatment of effluent when there is no water-borne sewage system available in a particular area. Health is the major factor when it comes to effluent and any pathogens, pollutants or contaminants must not affect the user of any sanitary waste means of disposal. The plaaslike owerheid has the overriding say on what is and what is not permitted in any area over which it has jurisdiction.
Die deel Q
Die deel Q refers to all the parts of the system that could be used from Closets, Chemical toilette to VIP toilets (Ventilated improved pit toilets). The sanitary konstruksie guidelines are specific as to size and ligging and must minimize odours and the attraction of flies.
Sanitary conservancy tanks have become the rule in many munisipaliteite and there are specific guidelines on the installation and siting.
There is a note in the SANS 10400-Part Q that states: “The South African government is committed to the eradication of pail toilets.
Wat is 'n emmertoilet of emmertoilet?
'n Emmertoilet is 'n basiese vorm van 'n droë sanitêre toilet waar 'n emmer (emmer) gebruik word om uitskeidings te versamel. Gewoonlik word ontlasting en urine saam in dieselfde emmer versamel, wat lei tot reukprobleme. Die emmer kan in 'n woning geleë wees, of in 'n nabygeleë klein struktuur ('n buitehuis).
Where mense do not have access to improved sanitêre geriewe – particularly in low-income urban areas of developing countries – an unimproved bucket toilet might be better than open defecation. They can play a temporary role in emergency sanitary facilities, e.g. after earthquakes.
Bewarea tenks vir afvalverwydering
Volhoubaar sanitasie is 'n sanitasie system designed to meet certain criteria and to work well over the long-term. Sustainable sanitation systems consider the entire “sanitation value chain”, from the experience of the user, uitskeidings en afvalwater versamelingsmetodes, vervoer of vervoer van afval, behandeling en hergebruik of wegdoening.[2] Die Volhoubare Sanitasie Alliansie (SuSanA) sluit vyf kenmerke (of kriteria) in sy definisie van “volhoubare sanitasie” in: Stelsels moet ekonomies en sosiaal aanvaarbaar, tegnies en institusioneel toepaslik wees en die omgewing en natuurlike hulpbronne beskerm.[3]
Die doel van volhoubare sanitasie is dieselfde as sanitasie in die algemeen: om te beskerm menslike gesondheid. "Volhoubare sanitasie" sorg egter vir alle prosesse van die stelsel: Dit sluit metodes in van versameling, vervoer, behandeling en die wegdoen (of hergebruik) van afval.[2]
Increasingly, sustainable sanitation also involves the consideration of climate change related impacts on sanitation infrastructure and behaviour and the resilience of technologies and communities
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Wat is volhoubare sanitasie?
Sustainable sanitation is a type of sanitation system that uses environmentally friendly methods to collect, treat, and dispose of human waste. These systems are designed to be self-sustaining and to conserve natural resources. This type of sanitation system can help reduce water pollution, improve water quality, reduce the spread of water-borne diseases, conserve energie, and reduce the omgewing impact of wastewater and sewage.
Volhoubare sanitasiestelsels sluit die gebruik van tegnologie in soos kompostoilette, gryswater hergebruik, reënwater harvesting, and constructed wetlands. These systems are designed to minimize the amount of water used, reduce the amount of wastewater produced, and ensure that wastewater is treated in a safe and effective manner. Additionally, these systems are designed to be cost-effective in terms of both capital and operational costs.
Sustainable sanitation systems aim to provide safe and hygienic sanitation services that are ecologically sound, resource-efficient, economically viable, and socially acceptable. By utilizing such systems, communities can reduce their environmental and public health risks while providing improved access to sanitation services and better living conditions.
Stormwater Disposal – Part R
is there a compliance regulation for soakaways?
if so what are the regulations?
What is the minimum distance a septic tank can be from the entrance of your house?
Dit is 'n interessante een omdat die Nasionale Bouregulasies nie meer putlatrines dek nie ... vermoedelik omdat dit in enige omstandighede totaal onaanvaarbaar is. Selfs die definisie is uit die Wet geskrap. Ek twyfel of daar enige tipe standaard vir "verbetering" is; hulle moet seker ingevul word en 'n rioolstelsel van een of ander aard gebou word! Ek het ook 'n soektog op die SABS webwerf gedoen vir "latrine" en daar is niks. Jy kan die Loodgieter Instituut skakel vir raad … IOPSA Sien vir kontakbesonderhede.
Opsoek na boustandaarde vir geventileerde verbeterde putlatrines