SANS-10400-New logo
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SANS 10400 Made Easy: Your Homeowner’s Guide to Compliance

A Full Guide to Compliance When it comes to owning and maintaining a home in South Africa, understanding and complying with the building regulations is crucial. The South African National Standard, SANS 10400, provides the framework for these regulations, covering various aspects of construction, safety, and sustainability. For homeowners, architects, and builders, navigating this complex…

house Floor

Rock-Solid Floors: Building Regulations Made Easy (Part J)

Building Regulations that Apply to Floors-Part J The application of National Building Regulations governing floors, encapsulated in Part J of SANS 10400, represents a crucial yet expansive segment of the construction regulatory framework. While seemingly concise, considering the extensive surface area floors cover within a dwelling, these regulations have evolved over time to offer a…

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Wat is die nuutste weergawe van SANS 10400?

Die jongste weergawe van SANS 10400 in Suid-Afrika is SANS 10400:2011, ook bekend as die Nasionale Bouregulasies (NBR). Neem egter asseblief kennis dat regulasies en standaarde onderhewig is aan opdaterings en hersienings, en dat daar moontlik nuwe weergawes sedertdien vrygestel is. “Die Nasionale Huisbouers Registrasieraad (NHBRC) hersien sy huisbouhandleiding …

site operations

Is Your Construction Site Legal? A Look At Part F

Site Operations – Part F – Building Regulations Understanding Building Regulations Ensuring safe and responsible site operations remains paramount within the framework of national building regulations. Part F: Site Operations of the National Building Regulations continues to delineate the essential guidelines to safeguard public safety and protect the local authority’s property. This section addresses various…

SANS 10400 General Principles & Requirements
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Build Right From The Start: SANS 10400 Part A Explained

Design, Planning and Supervision of All Construction Work Must Follow a Legal Process The comprehensive framework outlined in the SANS 10400, otherwise known as the Code of Practice for the Application of the National Building Regulations (NBR), serves as the backbone for ensuring compliance within the construction and building industry. Each section of this code…

Excavations work
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The Hidden Dangers of Excavation: A Look at Part G

Safety and Stability When Doing ExcavationsAre Top Priorities – Part G Part G of the National Building Regulations focuses on excavations and emphasizes the critical importance of safety and stability when engaging in these activities. Even in situations where the ground seems relatively level, excavations are often imperative in the construction of homes. The regulations…

Casting Concrete for foundations

Regulations for Foundations Part-H, A Focus on Safety

Foundations, Part H, of any structure, large or small, must be built to safely transmit all loads of the building to the ground. If foundations are not correctly built, walls may crack and at worst, could even collapse. While the National Building Regulations specify general requirements for foundations, it is the deemed-to-satisfy rules contained in…

houses of parliament for Construction Laws

Is Your Construction Project SANS 10400 Compliant? Find Out Now!

Hoe Konstruksiewette, Nasionale Bouregulasies en Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Standaarde Huiseienaars raak Voor 1985 het verskeie provinsies en munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika hul eie konstruksiewette en regulasies gehad wat, hoewel soortgelyk, nie dieselfde was nie. Oor 'n tydperk van jare het 'n komitee van kundiges, insluitend argitekte, bouers, ontwikkelaars en professionele persone van die Buro vir Standaarde (SABS) nagevors en saamgestel ...

Technical Requirements owner builder

Is Your New Home NHBRC Compliant? Find Out Now!

NHBRC Hersiening van die Tegniese Vereistes 'n Groot hersiening van die Tegniese Vereistes en Huisbouhandleiding sal die huisbouers raak en kan die regte van behuisingsverbruikers en diegene wat betrokke is by die behuisingverskaffingsketting beïnvloed. Behuisingsverbruikers en sleutelrolspelers in die behuisingsbedryf sal dus ook die geleentheid gebied word om...

Engineers report on Riga Maxima supermark
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Engineer Specs: Your Blueprint for Building Confidence & Quality

Die foto hierbo: Deur Valenciano – Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, Ingenieurs ontwerp geboue vir 'n doel Ingenieurs regoor die wêreld sal 'n struktuur ontwerp gebaseer op die opdrag wat 'n ontwikkelaar aan hulle gegee het. Die basis vir enige goeie ontwerp is om 'n struktuur te hê wat "geskik vir die doel" is waarvoor dit ...

Cape Town municipality contact
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Municipal Mystery Solved: How To Contact Your Local District Authorities

Hoe om jou Plaaslike Owerheid en Munisipaliteit in jou Distrik te kontak Hier is die mees onlangse Nasionale Munisipaliteit Kontaklys Ons kry byna daagliks versoeke oor “Hoe kontak ek my plaaslike Munisipaliteit?”, “Waar is my plaaslike Owerheid ?”, “Waarheen neem ek my planne?”, “Waar kan ek die Bou-inspekteur kontak?” Wel…

Town Planning
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Stadsbeplanning-definisies – Voltooi met 21 afdelings

'n Lys van 21 stadsbeplanningsdefinisies en terme wat in stadsbeplanningskemas gebruik word, sluit grondgebruik- en soneringsbepalings in. Die Johannesburgse metropolitaanse gebied is die grootste, mees diverse en mees kosmopolitiese in Suid-Afrika, daarom het ons hierdie lys van stadsbeplanningsdefinisies van hul dorp gebaseer. Beplanningsdokument, sien: dorpsbeplanningskema-jhb. Hierdie is nie…

Building Regulations Part 3
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Bouregulasies Deel 3 – Maklike kundige advies vir huiseienaars

Bouregulasies Deel 3: Deel R tot Deel X & XA Aangesien daar 'n totaal van 23 dele van die SANS 10400 Bouregulasies is, het ons dit in drie afdelings verdeel om die gemak van navigasie te verbeter, hier onder is Bouregulasies Deel 3 Die volgorde in wat die verskillende dele van die regulasies...

Town Planning

Unlocking Permits: Understand Building Regulations Quickly

A tot Z Woordelys van definisies en terme wat in die Nasionale Bouregulasies gebruik word. Praktykkode Elke bedryf het terme en definisies wat spesifiek vir daardie bedryf is, en die boubedryf is geen uitsondering nie. Hierdie woordelys van definisies van Nasionale Bouregulasies vorm deel van die Wet op Nasionale Bouregulasies en Boustandaarde (Wet...


Beautiful Floors Made Easy: Explore Your Flooring Options

Verstaan wat onder die voete is Die tipe vloere wat in bouplanne gespesifiseer word, sal die materiaal wat benodig word bepaal asook watter subkontrakteurs of spesialiste by die bouprojek betrokke gaan wees. Daar is baie vloerbedekkings en vloerafwerkings vir ons huise en geboue, maar in konstruksie is daar net twee basiese tipes vloer...

Owner Build
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Build Your Dreams, Save Money: Top Reasons to Owner-Build

Some Good Reasons to Owner Build The Pros and Cons of Owner Building: A personal review Perhaps you see the owner build exercise as a challenge. Or maybe it is an opportunity for you to prove you can do it better than we did. Maybe you’d decide to owner build just because you can! After all…

public safety sign

Home Safety Simplified: Your Guide To Part D

Even at Home Public Safety is Paramount-Part D Responsible home ownership extends to the safety of visitors and the general public granted access to residential premises, as mandated by the National Building Regulations. The focus revolves around key aspects, including changes in level, pedestrian entrances to parking areas in buildings, ramps, driveways, and the critical…