Balustrade Stainless Steel

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  1. Hi Justin, Please read our post about retaining walls and plans here:
    Whoever did the plans for the retaining wall, if you do have plans, will be able to advise you if the foundations of the wall will be strong enough to take the weight of the extra brickwork. If yes then an brief amendment to the plans (as built) can be submitted to council to update the original.

  2. Probably not the right place to ask, but I have pillar on top of my retaining wall and have the option of either steel Balustrades or to fill in with a single Brick wall. I would prefer the bricks for privacy but if plans are required then I would rather not. Please advise. Thanks.

  3. Minimum glass thickness is 10mm in a post and infill installation. Regards. Sandra Blackbeard

  4. Oh dear – please read the regs.

  5. Are there regulations that enforces the balustrade to terminate into the ground, wall or itself?
    i.e. no end cap or mop stick harsh end.

  6. Hi Brian, You can read more about minimum height of balustrades here: Stairways

  7. Brian Down says:

    Please advise if there is a SANS stipulated minimum height that a builder has to adhere to when constructing a balustrade.

    Many thanks

  8. I suggest that you contact a company like FEDGLASS, they are the experts and will have an answer for you. Tel: +27 11 608 4195 or email:

  9. Miles Hollins says:

    Where can I find the current regulations regarding structural glass balustrades. I seem to recall it stating somewhere that the top edge needs to be restrained…

  10. I am in the process of installing the stainless EZ Rails handrails with glass in my house. I need to know if my spacing between the supporting posts are 1.7meter, is the correct thickness of toughened safety glass 6mm or 8mm or 10mm? The height of the posts are 1meter.