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  1. The privacy issue is a difficult one and you can’t force a neighbour to share costs of a wall you own. The other factor is that by adding three slabs you might be taking the wall over the maximum 1.8 m – in which case you’re going to need an approved plan. You can object to the lack of privacy by threatening legal action (an attorney would have to help you with that) – and/or you might be able to find a way via the PAJA legislation. The other possibility is that because the structure incorporates a deck the council might say your neighbour should have had plans to erect it – and if it is right next to your boundary wall there’s a good chance (unless you are in Cape Town) that he needed your consent. So contact the council first and ask their advice. If that doesn’t work try a lawyer’s letter. Otherwise just pay for the wall – but make sure you are building legally.

  2. Our neighbours has built a playstructure with a raised playdeck right next to our boundary wall. He has cut down 17 year old trees in order to do so and has left open spaces to our private garden. Up to 3 children play up there daily and has full vision of our private garden and pool area. We have zero privacy as they are full size in line with our vibracrete wall. We have asked the neighbour to share the costs for raising the vibracrete with 3 slabs…which he has declined. What is the regulation in this regard. I would love to have my privacy back

  3. Even if what is along your boundary wall Monique. The fact that something is minor building work does not necessarily mean it can be constructed alongside a boundary wall. Obviously a wall can… Not sure what you mean. I am also confused 🙂

  4. rajiv bali says:

    Dear, this is very good

  5. Even if it is minor building work – what if it is along the boundary wall of your neighbour? What if your neighbour objects?