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Fix for trenches filled with rainwater?

What to do if your house building foundation trenches fill up with rainwater before pouring concrete? More things to consider: More things to consider Remember, maintaining a dry and stable foundation is crucial for the long-term structural integrity of your house. Taking proactive measures and seeking professional advice when needed can help mitigate any potential…

3d-printed house
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The 3D-Printed House, The Dutch are Going Ahead In Record Time

Five 3D-Printed house projects planned for the Netherlands By this time next year a town in The Netherlands, Eindhoven, will have its first few 3D-printed homes built and ready for people to live in. There are a few companies working together with Eindhoven University of Technology and the local municipality on Project Milestone. 3D-concrete printing…

Retaining Walls
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Retaining Walls

Picture Above: A retaining wall constructed from specially designed, interlocking blocks The Implications of Building Retaining Walls Part K of SANS 10400, Walls in the National Building Regulations (NBR) covers the structural strength and stability of all walls, including those that form part of a house or other building, and both garden and boundary walls….

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Concrete in Cold Weather a Quick Guide

Picture Above: A freshly placed concrete slab still wet on the top surface Cold Weather and Foundations The surrounding local temperature has a big effect on the setting time of cold concrete. The steps to take with foundations during cold weather are outlined below:  Chemical Reaction Hydration is the chemical reaction when cement and water…

Concrete foundation
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Concrete Foundations

A Concrete  Placing Guide Cast Your foundations This guide will help owner-builders to cast the foundations. These foundations are for external brick walls around a new house, or for extensions of an existing house. THE NHBRC (National Homebuilders Association Council) requirements for house foundations: For single-story buildings with tiled or sheeted roofs in stable soil conditions, the…

planning definitions dictionary
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Definitions for Planning and Building By-Laws

By-Law Definitions for Planning, Building and Zoning These definitions are mainly, but not exclusively, extracted from the Greater Metropolitan Area of Cape Town’s By-Laws Planning and Zoning definitions and explanations. They do and can relate to terms and phrases used nationally by other Municipalities and planning departments. We will be adding to them on an…

Boundary walls and fences
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Boundary Walls and Fences

Strategic Planning of Boundary Walls and Fences Boundary walls and fences are one of the most controversial topics facing homeowners. We are constantly contacted by people from all parts of South Africa who want advice – or have some sort of problem – relating to boundary walls and fences – often because neighbours have erected…

Concrete mixes
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Concrete Mixes

Concrete Mixes & Batch Ratios For Different Applications The basic techniques that will enable you to cast a foundation or slab are relatively straightforward. The secret to success lies largely in the correct concrete mixes and quantities being mixed together in the concrete mixes you use. Although the principles of mixing concrete and mortar are…

Casting Concrete for foundations
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Regulations for Foundations-Part HA Focus on Safety Foundations, Part H, of any structure, large or small, must be built to safely transmit all loads of the building to the ground. If foundations are not correctly built, walls may crack and at worst, could even collapse. While the National Building Regulations specify general requirements for foundations,…