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What does SANS 10400 stand for?

In South Africa, SANS 10400 refers to a set of building regulations known as the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act. These regulations, formulated by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), provide guidelines and standards for the construction, maintenance, and demolition of buildings within the country. SANS 10400 plays a vital role in…

off-grid Solar Panels
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When is “Off-Grid” Actually “Off-Grid”? Expert Advice with 4 Options

Ways to cope with loadshedding Beleaguered South African Electricity consumers have latched onto a new social media meme when they install a solar panel or two and a battery. They then rush out to their favourite hang-out and proudly boast about how they are going “off-grid.” Then they quote a number, normally somewhere below R150,000.00….

energy-efficient building
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Energy-Efficient Buildings

Energy-efficient houses and buildings refer to the use of techniques and materials that reduce the amount of energy required to operate and maintain a structure. There are numerous benefits to incorporating energy-efficient features in buildings, ranging from economic to environmental advantages. In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits of energy efficiency…

wall tree damage
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Tree Damage to Walls & Foundations – SANS10400-H Annex-D

Danger of Tree Damage to Walls & Foundations – SANS 10400-H Annex-D Cracks and damage to walls and foundations are caused primarily by soils that contract and expand due to moisture content when the soil absorbs water and swells up and then shrinks when it dries out. This puts pressure on foundations, and if not designed…

Electric Fence
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Implications of Non-Compliant Electric Fencing and Outdated Certificates of Compliance

By Penny Swift Author Electricity is a charged subject that often shocks those who don’t realize how important compliance is. Home Security Just look at all the illegal electrical connections looming over informal settlements. Notice people on social media asking who can do electrical jobs cheaply. Do they even realize that only qualified, registered electricians…

Owner builder home
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Owner Builder Requirements – NHBRC

What Are You Required to Do with the NHBRC as an Owner Builder? All new homes, by law, have to be registered with the NHBRC, some RDP houses are exempt from this. As an owner builder you may apply for an exemption from the Housing Consumer Protection Measures Act with the NHBRC. There are certain…

Technical Requirements owner builder

NHBRC Technical Requirements Best Key Review

NHBRC Review of the Technical Requirements A major revision of the Technical Requirements and Home Building Manual will affect the home builders and may affect the rights of housing consumers and those engaged in the housing supply chain. Housing consumers and key players in the housing industry will therefore also be afforded the opportunity to…

sans 10400xa roof insulation
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SANS 10400XA – A Guide and Best Questions

How To Be SANS 10400XA Compliant – A Guide New Energy Regulations SANS 10400XA and SANS 10400X are what we get quite a few queries about on our website. Here are a few: Q: Hi,I have read through the regulations, but need clarification on whether an application is required when changing existing steel framed windows…

Concrete foundation
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Concrete Foundations

A Concrete  Placing Guide Cast Your foundations This guide will help owner-builders to cast the foundations. These foundations are for external brick walls around a new house, or for extensions of an existing house. THE NHBRC (National Homebuilders Association Council) requirements for house foundations: For single-story buildings with tiled or sheeted roofs in stable soil conditions, the…

Why national building regulations for this house
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Why National Building Regulations

We Rely on National Building Regulations Why National Building regulations is a question asked many times. Both international and national standards and Building Regulations are fundamental to successful building and construction projects, both big and small.It doesn’t matter whether you are building a garden shed out of timber, a modest family home from bricks and…

The NHBRC manuals
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The NHBRC (National Home Builders Registration Council)

About the NHBRC The National Home Builders Registration Council (The NHBRC) was established in 1998 as a regulatory body for the home building industry. Their mandate is to protect house-building consumers and to make sure that building industry standards and regulations are followed. Their stated aim is to protect housing consumers who use contractors who…

Why national building regulations for this house
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Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act of 2008

The Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act 95 of 1998 Updated 2008 – EXPLAINED 1. Purpose of the HCPA 1. The main purpose of the Housing Consumers Protection Act is to give protection to housing consumers. At the same time it created the NATIONAL HOME BUILDERS REGISTRATION COUNCIL (NHBRC), whose objective is to stand for the…

planning definitions dictionary
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Definitions for Planning and Building By-Laws

By-Law Definitions for Planning, Building and Zoning These definitions are mainly, but not exclusively, extracted from the Greater Metropolitan Area of Cape Town’s By-Laws Planning and Zoning definitions and explanations. They do and can relate to terms and phrases used nationally by other Municipalities and planning departments. We will be adding to them on an…

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Alternate Building Technologies

The Assessment of Alternate Building Technologies This article from the latest issue of AKHANI, the quarterly magazine of the NHBRC, addresses the use of alternate building materials and the legal process as well as the pending changes to their manuals. It is well worth a read.   Assessment of ABT (Alternate Building Technologies) Any house…