Electrics & Lighting
Electrics & Lighting & Electronics are Related Fields. While both these related fields are specialised and take considerable training to be tackled in their entirety, there are projects involving both electrics and electronics that anyone with a reasonable aptitude and understanding can tackle. These range from wiring a plug and fitting a dimmer switch, to repairing a computer motherboard.
But we do have one major word of warning: ELECTRICITY IS POTENTIALLY LETHAL, and only a qualified registered and/or licensed electrician may install electrical systems. It makes perfect sense, after all even something as simple as wiring a plug incorrectly could trip out the system, and faulty wiring could cause a fire. At worst, an electric shock can kill!
We use electrics & lighting for cooking and very often also for heating or cooling the buildings we live and work in. We know that it is in short supply and that the costs of producing it keep increasing. But how many of us really understand what electricity is and where it comes from?
Most of us take electrics & lighting for granted because we use it every day of our lives. All it takes is the touch of a switch to make a light go on or to start a power tool. We can’t see it, and we can only smell it if something goes wrong and it causes an explosion or makes something burn.
Where electricity comes from
Electricity is generated at power stations, and in South Africa, it is Eskom (the Electrical Supply Commission of South Africa) that is responsible for the power stations all over the country.
Coal is the major source of energy for our power stations. First, it is pulverised to dust and then burnt in huge furnaces. Then the heat released by the burning coal boils water that is converted to steam at a very high temperature and pressure. This super-heated steam is used to turn a turbine that has a shaft that is coupled to the rotor of a generator. The rotor is a cylindrical electromagnet that spins inside large coils of copper, generating the electricity.

But this is just the beginning. To get electrics & lighting from the power stations to our homes and buildings it has to be transported along power lines. Most of Eskom’s power stations generate electricity at about 22 000 volts (or 22 kV).
Voltage is the measure of electric pressure or force, and a volt is the unit that we use when we measure the force of the electric current. To be able to move the electricity over long distances, the electricity must be carried at very high voltages, even higher than the electricity that has been generated. This is done via transformers that can step up the voltage to as much as 765 kV, and then feed the electricity into Eskom’s national grid.
But we can’t use electricity that has such a high voltage. Factories normally use a voltage of 11 kV (11 000 volts), while the electrics & lighting we use in our homes, shops and offices is usually supplied in an electrical circuit with a driving force of either 380 volts or 220 volts. It may be supplied to the building in what we call a single phase, in which case there will be two wires, one that is live and one that is neutral. Or it may be supplied in a three-phase system and there will be three live wires and one neutral wire.
All the electricity that Eskom generates is fed into the national grid for distribution. But Eskom does not distribute all the electricity. Most municipalities buy electricity in bulk from Eskom and then resell it to their consumers. Whoever supplies the electricity will supply and install a meter box so that the amount of electricity used can be measured.
Electrics & Lighting for homes and buildings
For safety reasons, our laws state that only qualified electricians are allowed to install electricity in our buildings. They must also be registered with the Electrical Contracting Board of South Africa and work according to the relevant South African National Standards (SANS). But electricians have to work very closely with contractors and supervisors to be sure that power points are positioned exactly where they are required.
When we build our homes, offices, schools, hospitals and other buildings, the owner of the property or the contractor applies to Eskom, or to the local authority (or municipality), for an electrical connection. An electrician, appointed by the owner or contractor, then wires the building and installs all the different elements including a distribution board to control the electrics & lighting through a series of circuits, isolators, plug points and light fittings.
He or she also earths the current so that if there is too much power or a fault in the system, the live electricity will go to ground (or earth). When supply cables run overhead, the earth cable is usually connected to a copper rod that is pushed into the ground. Otherwise the main earth terminal, which is where the electrician connects wire in an electrical circuit, is connected to a device that is clamped to the mains service cable.
Now we’re going to look at some of the elements that relate to electrics & lighting:
Distribution boards are where you will find the mains switch and other switches that you can use to isolate the various circuits in the building. All modern distribution boards also have an earth-leakage unit and various circuit breakers (or trip switches) that will trip if there is an electrical fault.
Local authorities have strict requirements regarding the type and size of distribution board that must be used for the electrics & lighting.
They are usually located in the kitchen or in the garage, but they must be easily accessible in case of a power failure or fault.
Earth leakage units tell us when the electricity supplied to our buildings goes to ground by simply shutting off the power supply. This protects us from the possibility of fire or from getting an electric shock which could be lethal. Earth-leakage units react much quicker than old-fashioned fuses or circuit breakers that do the same job.

Circuits are the complete circle that the electric current travels. The load or amount of electrical power that can be produced in any one circuit is limited, and the electrician will decide which power points will be linked to which circuit. He or she must be careful to organise the circuits so that the electricity doesn’t overload and trip unnecessarily.
The number of circuits used in any building will depend on what is required. In an ordinary house, we normally have electrics & lighting separate and at least one circuit for the lights and then another for the plugs. There is also a separate circuit for the water heater (or geyser) and another for the stove because these appliances both draw a lot of power.
Lighting circuits always run separately from other circuits and they use thinner cables with a lower amperage. This is because lights use a lot less current than appliances like fridges and washing machines, or machines that we use on building sites. Usually, houses will have at least two light circuits so that if there is a problem with one circuit at night, there will still be light from the other circuit.
Isolators are units that we use to either isolate the system from the mains supply or to isolate one or more circuit.
Wiring homes and buildings
To be able to provide electrics & lighting to a home, the builder lays conduits which are plastic or metal pipes through which the wiring will be threaded by the electrician. The conduiting can run either within the floor slab or within the roof space, from where it is chased, or cut, into the walls so it can be positioned to extend to various outlet points where light fittings and plug points are needed.
Even though a qualified electrician is responsible for the wiring itself, it is a good idea for all supervisors and contractors to be able to identify different types of cable and flex. The insulation material around the wires inside cables and flex are different colours to make it easy to identify them. Green or green and yellow is the earth, live wires are brown or red, and neutral is either light blue or black.
It is usually the builder’s responsibility to link the distribution box either to the meter box or to the connection box on an outside wall of the building.
Once the wiring in a building is complete the entire system must be checked by an accredited person (from Eskom or the municipality) who will issue a certificate of compliance to say that the system has been installed correctly. Only then will the supply authority link up the wiring to the mains supply so that we can switch it on.
Hi Marshall, Technical info such as electric wiring installations is not what we would want to comment on. I suggest that you contact the ECB of SA – (012) 751 2290 – https://ecb.org.za/
They are the ones that will have all that technical info on hand for you. Regards, Janek
Please can you provide clarity or link info for an update on : regulations, requirements and / or compliance certification regarding installation of electric circuits in walls of home – built in year 2000.
I’m led to understand that 20 amp circuits from the D.B. which power electrical sockets supplying Mains 220 Vac will only be positioned in the shell walls of the structure ie. no internal walls are permitted for location of mains socket outlets?
Thabo. My comment. No. An earth spike must by applied and a resistance test must be done.
Absolutely not!
Can I install a plug point in my shower for a washing machine
The building regulations do not deal with electricity so I don’t have access to relevant regs. Also I have no idea what electricians charge for this type of work.
Unfortunately we are not able to advise about electrics.
You will need to ask an electrician this question.
A qualified, registered electrician will be able to answer your question.
May we have drawn a PVC armoured, three core, 220 volt cable through a large storm water pipe, in a private complex? The work will be done by a qualified electrician.
Hi,i want to understand whether a certificate of compliance can be valid if an earth spike is not installed on a db box.
I am a 50% owner in a property, buying the other half share from my ex partner. An electrician coming to do an electrical inspection quoted me R3960 for putting in an Earth Spike, from my electrical box to my electronic gate motor, which I understand has become a mandatory regulation in Cape Town in the past 5 or do years, since I had the gate wired in in 2004. Does this sound correct ie. is this a regulation, and does it really cost this much? The distance from box to gate may be irrelevant, but it is 4 Metres. Your advice would be appreciated.
I have Eskom supplying 428V 3 phase and 245V single phase. I asked the Eskom guy on the street whether this was too high and he said it was correct. Can you answer the same question and if it is too high, can you suggest a route where the voltage can be turned down to 380V /220V so that all our appliances and lights are not blown. I have reported this twice without success.
Only a qualified registered electrician can do this.
Hi Sarah, Yes they can be used so long as the wires are the correct standard. You will find all the answers in our artlcle here: https://sans10400.org.za/electric-cables/
Hi, what is the standard regulations on wiring in the roof? is it compulsory to use conduits or can the wires be chased along the trusses?
I bought a house wich I would like to renovate. The db board is on the wall I would like to remove to achieve an open plan kithen-dining room. Can I move the db board to another wall?
This is not covered by the NBR. Electrics are covered by SANS 10142: The Wiring of Premises. Unfortunately I don’t have a copy.
Not in the Building Regulations.
Attie, the National Building Regulations do not cover electrics. You need to look at SANS 10142: The Wiring of Premises. Unfortunately I don’t have a copy of this standard, but if your electrician was qualified and registered (which is mandatory) he should be working according to the standards.
Tayla this is not a NBR issue. You need to talk to a qualified electrician.
You need a registered electrician to move it for you. He will have to quote you to do the job – I can’t assess cost for you.
I want to build an extension onto my house but the main electrical supply cable runs where I need to gig a trench. What is the procedure to have the cable moved and the approximate cost?
Please can someone tell me , how far a hob isolator needs to be from the hob for it to be compliant. My current isolator is behind the corned in the scullery and I think it is too far and unsafe as it is not in sight and about 3 meters away. Please advise
I would like to find out what the requirements are for connecting wires (for 220V downlights) inside the roof (on top of the ceilings).
The electrician connected them by hand (turned wires around each other) and then used insulation tape to close the connections. I would have thought one of those brick type screw in connections are the only “allowed” connections to be done inside of the roof due to high temperatures etc?
I would also like to know if it is legal for wires to be without conduit inside of the roof? This is an old house with all the wires for plugs etc just ran on top of the wood trusses held in place by some type of porcelain couplet.
Thank you in advance!
What is the regulation concerning the distance between pylons and residential homes?
Electrical regs are not covered by the National Building Regulations so I am afraid I can’t help you.
This is not an NBR matter – you will need to contact the local authority to find out what their policy is – or Eskom if they are in charge of electricity in your area.
Hi, What is the minimum height of a distribution board installation?
I have a house with a d.b. Board already installed. I have divided the house and want to be able to put a electric Meter /prepaid Meter to be able to charge my tenant for power they use. Can this be done or must I put a complete new d.b. Board in that section.
Thank you Jean
Giid day. I am building a 84m2 garage. Plans approved the lot. On the electrical the contractor quote for a 6mm 3 core armored cable. Just want to know if 6mm will do as i think a 10mm would be better. The garage will have 6 220v plugs and 6 lights.
Hi Archie, Lighting falls under the various regulations but ultimately any electrical installation must be done by a registered electrician who is then responsible for the COC.
what is the new law on down lights in the roof. the installation method. who is responsible for the coc after a renovation.
Sanele, unfortunately because you bought the house so long ago, you will be liable for costs. If you had acted straight away, you could have held the seller liable for costs. What the council has told you is correct. You need to get a qualified, registered electrician to do the work and then they will connect your meter up to the supply.
Hi, I bought a house 2 years back that was initially a single home but was sub-divided and registered as two separate properties in a sectional title, however the main electrical connection and account is held at the house that was the main house.
I’ve been to the Municipality to help me resolve this ; by installing a new meter to my house i got no clear answer or direction, what i was told, is to hire my own electrician to connect me to the municipal connection. The other time they sent some guy to come investigate, then He said the meter box will first have to be moved, such that it is adjacent to my neighbour’s house (whom is the current account holder) then buy a new meter and have it wired and connected to my house, and all this will be at my cost, only thereafter i can apply for an electrical account with them.
Please advice
The DB can be replaced but as it involves electricity, by law, only a registered electrician can do this. He should give you a COC when the job is complete. If you can find a new better looking door then you could do this yourself. If you are going to drill holes near the old DB just be very cautious about where you drill as you must not drill into any live wires as this could be dangerous.
Good day,
We have a house which is around 40 years old and the DB is still in the kitchen. The DB is old and ugly. Can the DB be replaced or can I just get a new cover?
I cannot comment if it can or cannot be done because I cannot see the room from here. If the electrician is qualified and registered then he should know and if he says it cannot be done then I guess it cannot be done.
Hi I am currently building. I wanted to install a small chandeliers in the master bathroom. I saw this in pictures! However electrician is saying it cannot be done. Is there way to waterfproof or mitigate room for chandelier? The room is 24sqm and height is 2.8m.
Hi Edward, That all sounds correct to me, the stove MUST have an isolator above the stove in easy reach for safety and as the stove draws a lot of power it does need its own breaker on the DB, this is also for safety.
Hi, i want to install a stove into our tuck-shop at school so I requested a quotation from an electrician. In his quote he makes mention of installing a isolator above the stove in the tuckshop and a breaker on the DB board located in the passage on the other side of the tuckshop wall. I need to know if this is within standard regulations or just a luxury, because to me safety at school is more important than cost.
Pieter I have replied to your plumbing query. Exactly the same answer applies here. I think though you are only allowed one.
Hi, I want to buy myself a erf and develop it. With it I also want to build extra flats on the erf. How many electrical connections are allowed for a 800m^2 size erf?