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  1. Christine says:


    I want to replace a bedroom window with a sliding door. Do I need approval of plans to do this, especially since the width will remain the same, but I will be removing the bricks below the window to make vertical space for the sliding door.

  2. Griffen Warries says:

    My Mother received a house from the municipality in December 2019. She died in December 2020 and in life my Mom told all of her children that I will get the house should she die. She did not have a will. To date we also have not received a transfer deed from the municipality (as was promised) prior to the old folks receiving the keys to their houses.
    We want to build vibracrete and a boundary wall for security around the house. May we do so without a plan?

  3. Hi Leonie, any building that is going to be occupied/lived in by a person will need plans.

  4. You will need approved plans for the garage.

  5. catherine says:

    hi I want to build the garage and wall fence, enxtend my house about 500m. I must involve the municipality first for approval

  6. Complex rules and regulations are in addition to the National Building Regs

  7. Extensions are not the responsibility of the NHBRC.

  8. I recently bought an upstairs unit in a complex. Each block in my complex has four units, two upstairs and two downstairs units. I have an open balcony that is 2m x 4m in size. I would like to cover this balcony as it is of no real value to me without a roof, the Pretoria weather is either too hot or too cold. The board of trustees informed me that I will have to submit plans to the council for this. However, section 13 (1) of the National Building Act, Act 103 of 1977 makes provision for certain minor alterations to be done without plans being submitted. what is the correct procedure here?

  9. Hi Penny, we are busy with extensions and because we do not have to enroll the house with NHBRC, the inspectors do not come to inspect. My argument with the contractor is how is effecting the extensions. Is it acceptable by the NHBRC to make a straight joint between the old house and the new house. please advise.

  10. Unfortunately we are not in a position to carry out inspections. This is simply an informative web site.

  11. Do I need planning permission for a wooden container to be installed and used as a bedroom on my property?


  13. You should be building according to approved plans. What do these show?

  14. Your best bet is to try and track previous owners and see if they have plans. In the meantime put the municipality on the spot and tell them you will draw up plans for the extension with the existing house indicated as already built.

  15. Hi, I am building outside rooms at my house and the inspector says my outside rooms have to touch the neighbor’s back rooms Isn’t that against safety regulations or fire safety regulations?

  16. Hi. I want to make an extension to my existing house. I have requested a copy of my existing plans from our local municipality. They had put a request through and oftet a week replied that there are no plans of my existing house on the system. What can I do. Is the only option to re do the whole house plan at my cost

  17. Not without permission because you are changing the function. You may also require permission from your neighbour.

  18. mitzi scholtz says:

    Hi please help. I would like to convert my garage into a bedroom and entertainment area/ second lounge. i have a sliding door in the back of my garage and there is another door that leads to my lounge. My garage is joined to the neighbours garage am i allowed to replace the garage door with a sliding door as well

  19. He’s way out of line and clearly doesn’t know the law. First of all you would have required approved plans to convert the garage into a granny flat – not a letter from council. Secondly, NHBRC registration is only required for NEW houses, not for extensions and additions. You could always offer to remove the sliding door and put the garage door (or a garage door) back in place! And he’s going to find it very difficult to hold you responsible for fines that may be issued.

  20. We are renting a property for the last 2 years now. In the first year I got permission from the owner to convert the garage and out building into a granny flat. He never informed us that we need a letter from the council ans that the builder must be registerd at the NHBRC. The only alterations we made made is putting a sliding door in where the the garage door was. The garage had a back door and we put up a outer 2 layer wall linking garage and out building. Now that we want to move out he is requisting a letter from the council and the NHBRC certificate. Can he hold us liable for any fines that he may have as he wants to sell his house now.

  21. Debra, the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act of 1977 was most recently amended in May 2008 and the amendments were major. Furthermore, the “deemed to satisfy” rules which are presented in SANS 10400 – and discussed in detail on this website – were published progressively from 2008 until 2011. So there is absolutely no doubt that your plans will be out of date, particularly in terms of the new energy regulations.