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  1. Generators are not covered by the national building regulations. There may be bylaws that specify positioning. If the generator is to be covered by some sort of structure then the NBR would be relevant.

  2. Good day,

    Please assist with my query below.

    We are looking to install a generator on our property, Do building lines apply to generators?
    Sorry forgot to mention that the area of interest is within the City of Joburg

  3. What is the question Esquire? Apart from anything else you need to have a good working knowledge of these systems to go into business installing them! It really isn’t a get-rich-quick option!

  4. Hi Esquire,
    From what I understand from all the solar water information that I have seen is that it is not cheap to install but that one has to do the calculation over the long term and that is where the savings will be. That is why the government brought in the new SANS 10400XA regulations.

    Energy efficiency in buildings states that:
    4.5.2 Hot water services A minimum of 50 % by volume of the annual average hot water heating requirement shall be provided by means other than electrical resistance heating, including, but not limited to, solar heating, heat pumps, heat recovery from other systems or processes. The solar water heating systems shall comply with SANS 1307 and SANS 10106, based on the thermal performance determined in accordance with the provisions of SANS 6211-1 and SANS 6211-2. The installation thereof shall comply with SANS 10254.

    So you will see that solar heating is one of several options and not all heating needs to be alternative. But energy saving must be complied with.

  5. Esquire Makgale says:

    I intend to specialise in installing solar systems around residential but I found the system to be very expensive and that fact on its own makes it a mission to acquire the whole solar system