Fire safety
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Understanding Fire Safety Regulations SANS 10400 Part T

Fire Safety – Compliance with these regulations is crucial Fire safety is a paramount consideration in building design and construction with the potential to save lives and protect property. In South Africa, the South African National Standard (SANS) 10400 Part T, titled “Fire Protection,” is the dedicated section of the building regulations that addresses fire…

Town Planning

Unlocking Permits: Understand Building Regulations Quickly

A to Z Glossary of Definitions and Terms Used in the National Building Regulations Code of Practice Every industry has terms and definitions that are specific to that industry, and the building industry is no exception. This glossary of National Building Regulations definitions forms part of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act (Act…

fireman fire

Fire Safety Made Simple: Sans10400 Regulations For Your Building

What SANS 10400: Part T – Fire Protection Says What the Act Says Essentially the legislation is concerned quite simply with the need for all buildings to be designed, constructed and equipped so that in the event of fire: 1 – The occupants or people using the building will be protected – including persons with disabilities;2…