
Unsure About Trench Drainage? We Have Expert Advice

What to do if your house building foundation trenches fill up with rainwater before pouring concrete? More things to consider: A Few More things to consider Remember, maintaining a dry and stable foundation is crucial for the long-term structural integrity of your house. Taking proactive measures and seeking professional advice when needed can help mitigate…

Excavations work
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The Hidden Dangers of Excavation: A Look at Part G

Safety and Stability When Doing ExcavationsAre Top Priorities – Part G Part G of the National Building Regulations focuses on excavations and emphasizes the critical importance of safety and stability when engaging in these activities. Even in situations where the ground seems relatively level, excavations are often imperative in the construction of homes. The regulations…

Casting Concrete for foundations

Regulations for Foundations Part-H, A Focus on Safety

Foundations, Part H, of any structure, large or small, must be built to safely transmit all loads of the building to the ground. If foundations are not correctly built, walls may crack and at worst, could even collapse. While the National Building Regulations specify general requirements for foundations, it is the deemed-to-satisfy rules contained in…


Cold Weather Concrete: Secrets To A Successful Winter Pour

Picture Above: A freshly placed concrete slab still wet on the top surface Cold Weather and Foundations The surrounding local temperature has a big effect on the setting time of cold concrete. The steps to take with foundations during cold weather are outlined below:  Chemical Reaction Hydration is the chemical reaction when cement and water…

Concrete foundation

Brick House Foundations Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide For Owner-Builders

A Concrete  Foundations Placing Guide Cast Your foundations This guide will help owner-builders to cast the concrete foundations. These foundations are for external brick walls around a new house, or for extensions of an existing house. THE NHBRC (National Homebuilders Association Council) requirements for house foundations: For single-story buildings with tiled or sheeted roofs in stable soil…

Concrete mixes
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Strong Foundations: Mix The Perfect Concrete Every Time

Concrete Mixes & Batch Ratios For Different Applications The basic techniques that will enable you to cast a foundation or slab are relatively straightforward. The secret to success lies largely in the correct concrete mixes and quantities being mixed together in the concrete mixes you use. Although the principles of mixing concrete and mortar are…


Beautiful Floors Made Easy: Explore Your Flooring Options

Understanding what’s Underfoot The type of floors specified in building plans will determine the materials required as well as which sub-contractors or specialists are going to be involved in the building project. There are many flooring coverings and floor finishes for our homes and buildings, but in construction, there are only two basic types of floor…

Site clearing excavator
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Prepping for Perfection: How to Clear Your Building Site

Clearing The Site – Getting Ready To Build Preparation is a vital part of any job in the construction industry because if site preparation is not correctly done it can jeopardise the building project. Site clearing operations must also be safe so that there is no chance of anybody being injured. Before you can start…

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The NHBRC – 8 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The NHBRC – FAQs The NHBRC used to have a page with a number of FAQ (questions and answers) that we now give you on this website. The most common questions and answers we have listed here below. We must point out to all homeowners and potential homeowners, as well as all contractors and homebuilders,…

House extentions kitchen
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Unlock Extra Space: Your Step-by-Step Guide To Building An Extension

Planning House Extensions Whether you are building a new home or planning house extensions to an existing home, you are going to need building approval from your local authority. Even if you are simply opening up a wall or partitioning a room by erecting a new internal wall, most councils will insist on working drawings….