off-grid Solar Panels

When is “Off-Grid” Actually “Off-Grid”? Expert Advice with 4 Options

Ways to cope with loadshedding Beleaguered South African Electricity consumers have latched onto a new social media meme when they install a solar panel or two and a battery. They then rush out to their favourite hang-out and proudly boast about how they are going “off-grid.” Then they quote a number, normally somewhere below R150,000.00….

causes of loadshedding

Causes of Loadshedding: 11 FAQ – Our Report Reveals All

The causes of Loadshedding, what are they? Eskom currently supplies more than 5 million households with electricity. The rest get their electricity from their local municipality. Eskom and municipal schedules often differ, even in the same regions. These are some of the most common questions consumers, including our readers, ask about loadshedding.  Please note that…