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  1. Hi Yunus, The only municipality that I know of that has online tracking of plan approval is in the Western Cape. In Joburg you will have to phone or go in personally. Maybe this will come in line with the Cape with the DA now in charge.

  2. Yunus Mayet says:

    Hi Penny,

    We are a practice based in South of Joburg.
    I need to follow the progress of a submitted plan on line….. if you have such a facility or link!! The Plan was submitted on 23/03/2016.The Stand is in Eldoraigne…. stand 4560 x67 (480m2)
    In order save me a trip to Pretoria, may I please ask you to direct me to the correct channels on line to check on the progress of the submitted plan….
    Thanking you in advance.
    Yunus Mayet

  3. What your neighbour has done is totally illegal. Please read this article for further information and/or obtain a copy of SANS 10400-R, Stormwater Disposal from the SABS. It’s only about eight pages long.

  4. Patrick Vd Hof says:

    Hi Penny,i live in one of a leafy suburbs in Pretoria, when I purchased the house, found that my back-opposite neighbor has dig a hole on a concrete slabs wall fence to let the storm water into my yard and that has let one of my big tree in the yard to fall and the hole passage towards the street.I have tried to close the hole on the wall and I later find out that he opened it again.What must I do ?

  5. Only from the local authority

  6. Hi Penny,
    I would like to run a small business from my home in Claremont Pretoria. Where can I find out if my house is zoned for business as the previous tenants ran a business from here.
    Thank you,

  7. Yes Lassie you do need plans … and if your title deed restricts you to one dwelling you won’t be allowed to build a flat. It isn’t floor area that determines this, and I doubt that simply having a second oven would constitute a second dwelling. But clearly if there is a kitchen, bathroom and living room/bedroom etc – and a separate entrance it would become a second dwelling. Allowable floor area is determined by the Council zoning scheme.

  8. Hi Penny, thank you for a remarkable website. I live in the Tshwane area in a house that does have existing and legit building plans. I would like to convert the servant quaters to a single-room flat with one bathroom and small kitchen. The floor area will not be extended, only some inside walls will be changed and a window enlarged.
    1. Do I need new building plans for this?
    2. My title deed restrict my property to only one dwelling. What factors of my new flat will constitute me to apply for a second dwelling for my property? Some people say it is the moment you add a kitchen, others say the floor area determines it, while others mentioned that it is when you ad an oven? I cannot get a concrete rule for this in the Tshwane town planning scheme either.


  9. Employ a competent person to draw plans for you. They will submit them to council and follow through the process. Then find a registered builder to do the job.

  10. Basically you need an agrement certificate. This is covered in Part A of the regulation:
    Agrément certificate
    certificate that confirms fitness-for-purpose of a non-standardised product, material or component or the acceptability of the related non-standardised design and the conditions pertaining thereto (or both) issued by the Board of Agrément South Africa (which falls under the Department of Public Works)

  11. You have a problem and it isn’t just rezoning. First and foremost you are going to have to have as-built plans drawn up and hope that the council will pass them.

  12. Report your neighbour to the council and to the police.

  13. I leave in Pretoria and my neighbour started building outside rooms last year. She has no plans and the property is not zoned for business. She just recently started building more rooms. Her tenants through bottles of beer in front of my yard. This will definitely reduce the value of my house. How do I stop all this.

  14. Hi Penny

    i have already build 3 rooms in my yard in my township to get extra imcome without notifying the municipality how do i go about by asking the mucipality to rezone my ERF and get the approval from them

  15. Helo n thanks for the great answers. I want some company to build me a container home in pretoria including some more container lodges and houses in mpumalanga. What’s paperwork is needed. Is it the company building for me or me who can find all the paperwork needed. Thanks

  16. I live in Centurion, in a full title house (not an estate) and want to extend two rooms with a meter outwards (essentially the outside walls and obviously the foundation), what’s the typical process I should follow.

    Thanks in advance.

  17. Only the local authority can answer this question.

  18. There are none – though there may be SANS. Contact the SABS for further info if you want standards regarding shade netting. Most structures built using it are classified as minor building work.

  19. How about contacting the local authority. This has nothing to do with the NBR. Good luck with your venture

  20. Manny de souza says:

    Where do i get the regulations concerning building structures using net shading?

  21. We believe that the council should be held responsible. Since you don’t have plans, if the buyers want plans, add the cost to the price of the house, or share it by agreement.

  22. No it is not correct at all. What he appears to be saying is that a temporary structure is fine – which, if you read the link, you will find it is not. However, a carport is regarded as minor building work. The link will explain the full story – e.g. you don’t need plans if it is within the dimensions given – you simply have to notify the local authority that you are doing the building work.

  23. Hi Penny

    I Live in a Retirement Village
    I Want to erect a carport attached to house I know you have to submit plans to Tshwane but
    a Contractor informed me the following:
    If the square tubing or lip channels which is used to build the carport is joined with bold and nuts and also joined to house with bold and nuts so that the carport can be removed again, it is not necessary to submit plans to Tshwane
    Is that correct?


  24. We would like to start a home business. It will be stimulation classes for children and toddlers accompanied by their parents. We would like to add signage to assist to get the people to notice it. What are the bylaws stating using your property and also signage? Cannot find much on Tshwane’s website.

  25. Ettienne Van Vuuren says:

    We have bought a house more than 10 years ago,i have sold the house recently and there ate no building plans as it burnt in the Munitoria fire.No we have to pay to get plans drawn up.
    Can you give me advice?

  26. Dino Deluca says:

    Hi there can anyone please assist me with the following.
    we live in Valhala Centurion, and would like to build a granny flat ( double story ) is that permissible???

  27. All you can do is report them to the local authority.

  28. Oane Hooghiemstra says:

    How do I stop people from building structures without proper documentation?

  29. Contact the Tshwane local authority

  30. Jaco Opperman says:

    Building plans for flat

    Good day,

    I want to build a 2 b/room flat for my mother-in-law. Just want to enquire if there is a limit in size for the flat. I live in Pretoria.
    Thank you

  31. Tracey, in terms of the Building Regulations (the law), you must have a competent person draw up the plans AND submit them. You cannot do this if you are not qualified and registered with the South African Institute of Architects.
    You will also have to get the relevant forms from the Tshwane council.

  32. Hi,

    Thanks for all the info, this makes a lot more sense than trying the Tshwane web page.
    I need to urgently build a granny flat for my destitute pensioner parents to live in. It will be a small one bedroom, 1 bathroom, living room and kitchen.

    They lost their home and all else, and my dad is very ill with diabetes and 90% blind. I need to get this done as soon as possible.

    I have the plans ready, but now I need to find the correct documents to submit with the plans. I heard it is not just the plans that gets submitted but a whole bunch of forms. I tried getting them, but seem to hit a brick wall every time. I have so many different forms now, I do not know what is correct and what not. Could you please give me an idea of what needs to be send in and where to find it. Or if you know of anyone who will do this approval process for a fee, I am also willing to go that route. Whatever is the quickest.

    Thank you so much.

  33. Louise, the National Building Regulations cover ALL buildings, including “Wendy Houses”. Here is a link to the Tshwane Town Planning regs that may have additional specifications. The complex itself may also have its own set of rules.

  34. Louise Jansen says:

    Wendy Houses

    I am looking for the regulations required for the erecting of a Wendy House in a sectional title complex in Tshwane
    Please can you assist

    thank you

  35. If you are in the City of Cape Town – which of course includes much more than just Cape Town itself – your neighbour can build right up the boundary without your permission, but will of course need plans. You can download the City’s zoning scheme here. This also gives maximum height regulations. If you are somewhere else in the country, they will probably need your permission if building outside of standard building lines. In all instances they will need plans approved by council. There is legislation designed to protect consumers – see this link to the PAJA. But to avoid costly litigation, if possible you should find out what they are planning to build and object before building starts.

  36. Garry Paterson says:

    The stand in front (north) of us has been subdivided and the subdivisions are approx 650 sq m. If the owner decides to erect a double storey house, does he need to get my permission first or can he just start building. Also, is there any way he can build within the building line without my permission?

    Thank you

  37. Nico, that sounds a bit strange. If they have really “cancelled” the pool plan, then it means it won’t be on the plan, in which case you will need to submit a plan. But why not try and resubmit the original plan and mark the pool as the second phase of building? You can’t do it yourself – you will need a competent person to do it for you. That person would be able to advise what is best.

  38. Hi
    I build my house last year in Centurion with approved plans from the Munic. when i wanted to move in the inspectors said i cannot due to the fact that the pool that was on the approved plans are not completed. as a result they cancelled the pool on the plans and i got the occupational certificate. i am however ready to start building the pool. Do i need to submit another plan for the pool before i can start with it?

  39. Hi Joana, Stormwater is one thing but washing water is not allowed. Give him a letter telling him that he damaged the wall without your permission and that the water from the carwash must be channeled away from your property or he must wash his cars in a different place on his property where the water can flow away in another direction. If he ignores this or refuses to do this then you can approach your local building inspector and ask him to give your neighbour notice to stop doing this.

  40. Hi Penny. Thanks for the information on walls & fences. I live in centurion and my neighbor broke a few bricks on two sides on my wall separating us. He is basically using my wall as his boundary ( face brick wall). When I asked him why he broke my wall he told me it’s because he doesn’t have any other way of getting water from rain out of his yard. This he did not talk to me at all, he simply just broke it. I understand the law that on the high level era discharging storm water on the low level erf but is he Llowed to just brake my wall? Also it’s not only storm or rain water but all wart from his yard like when he washes his cars come through to my yard. Please advice? Thanks, Joana

  41. Lala if you click on the lefthand tab at the top of our website (Building Regulations Introduction) and look at the drop down menu you will see two documents that might be of help:
    Municipality Contact
    Tshwane Town Planning Scheme 2008
    Download them and see.
    Alternatively phone telephone enquiries and ask for the Tshwane town council or municipal office number – and phone them.

  42. Hi there

    Thanks for this excellent website. We’ve recently bought a property in Pretoria & plan to erect 1.8m walls (street facing) & a gate. I cannot find the contact details of the town planning office or whomever it is we need to contact in order to get written permission. Do you perhaps have these details? The Tshwane municipal website is of no help.

  43. Carla parking is regulated by the local authority. Contact them to find out.

  44. We want to build some student accommodation in Hatfield, what is the required parking spaces per
    unit/person living in the building?

  45. Dawie it is normally about 60%, but it depends on zoning and your local authority bylaws. You will need to contact them.

  46. Hi,
    I’m about to buy a land in Centurion Pretoria, the land size is 450 square metre,

    I junt want to know what is the maximum percentage of this land that I can build a house?

    Thank you.