Welding the Easy Way
Welding can be fun and easy to do, just get our book here and get started:

Welding can be fun and easy to do, just get our book here and get started:
ToggleLooking to build, fix, or create something amazing...
Your Home—Better Safe Than Sorry Common home sa...
What to do if your house building foundation trenc...
The causes of Loadshedding, what are they? Eskom c...
The Challenge of Owner Building This web site i...
Will Solar Panels Add Value to Your Home? As a ...
Here is a Classic Film Clip on How to Build a House This how to build a house film clip that was made back in 1946 is a must-watch for anyone contemplating doing any sort of building. Even though it was made so many years ago the process has more or less remained the same….
Building Regulations as They Apply to Roofs-Part L When the South African National Building Regulations were updated by the Department of Trade and Industry in May 2008, the General Requirement relating to Roofs was changed to incorporate certain safety elements. For example, instead of simply having to “resist any forces” to which the roof might…
The Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act 95 of 1998 Updated 2008 – EXPLAINED 1. Purpose of the HCPA 1. The main purpose of the Housing Consumers Protection Act is to give protection to housing consumers. At the same time it created the NATIONAL HOME BUILDERS REGISTRATION COUNCIL (NHBRC), whose objective is to stand for the…
Building Regulations Part-U Refuse Disposal Part-U of the SANS 10400 Refuse disposal states that ‘Any building, excluding a dwelling house’ that has refuse generated in that building will provide ‘adequate’ storage areas for rubbish containers. Over and above this the planning and building must provide access from the street so that the containers can be…
Take Charge of Your Home Building Venture as Project Manager Anybody who is serious about owner building will want to have a degree of control to ensure that the project stays on track. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be hands-on. Taking on the role of project manager simply means that you are…
Clearing The Site – Getting Ready To Build Preparation is a vital part of any job in the construction industry because if site preparation is not correctly done it can jeopardise the building project. Site clearing operations must also be safe so that there is no chance of anybody being injured. Before you can start…