House Plans pic by Karolina Grabowska
House Plans pic by Karolina Grabowska

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  1. Every municipality has bylaws that specify how far from boundaries you are allowed to build. For example, it might be two metres from side boundaries and three metres from the back and front. It sounds like one of your limitations is 15 m. Phone your local authority and ask to speak to a building inspector who will be able to verify what the by-laws say.

  2. Lefetsa Johannes Sehlabi says:

    Good morning i have a property in protea Glen the size of a stand is 30m by 15m at the back is national road so i wanted to extend but my plan ws denied they want me to leave 15m from my boundary wall so i am confused, my question here is why that 16m is not counted from my boundary wall to road reserve but counted inside my yard i feel like i am being robbed can you please outline this for me

  3. Alan Mason says:

    I do not have a copy of my previously approved building plans and City of Johannesburg advises me that they are unable to find my file with plans.
    I wish to sell my house and the new proposed owner wants copies of previously approved plans.
    I am led to believe that I need to have NEW PLANS drawn and resubmitted, PLUS I have to pay submission fees equal to that of a NEW BUILDING.
    I think that this is unfair as the Council has collected this fee when the FIRST STRUCTURE was erected on the property.
    I do understand that structures may or may not have been erected illegally, but why should I be responsible for previous owners misdemeanors?

  4. alex mitchell says:

    hi there im building with containers …where do i start.. do i need permision from local council

  5. Henriette says:

    Do I need to submit my title deed with building plans? We acquired the services of someone to do the submission of the plans for additions. I would like to know which documents need to accompany the building plans.

    Thank you.

  6. Virgel Jane says:


    I bought a house recently in a “dorpie” with a farm-like environment. This town sits far outside the city borders.

    The transaction was at about 80%, and I realized I haven’t asked for a plan. I got the plan and saw that a huge area was not on the plan. There was a 36sqm wendy (It looked like an extension of the house), but build with proper cladding. It also had ceilings with dry walling, separated rooms like a house, kitchen area, full bathroom/toilet with a single room. It had electricity, water and sewerage for toilet, with no plan. Attached to the wendy on the side is a roof, where I park 3 cars under, about 48sqm. No plan as well.

    Living in a city area for all of my life, I got worried. I called the local municipality and spoke to the town planner/inspector. Told him the story, and he responded, he won’t come close to my property, as long as I don’t submit a plan for alterations. He will then have to order that the buildings be demolished or drawn on a plan for approval. But because the wendy does not have proper foundation, it must be removed.

    Please advise me on this? What is the penalty on this 84sqm of unplanned area?
    Does, what the planner said, sound right to you?

  7. The answer is yes to both questions.

  8. Hi,

    We want to build on our farm. It is in a world heritage site and agriculturally zoned.
    Can you please advise if we need to get any special approvals, either because it is a heritage site or from municipality for building a house?
    We plan to build the house in an old mielie land and also to build more than 2 buildings (2 houses and a store room).
    Thanking you in advance,

  9. Any new solid roof that covers any part of your property even if their are existing columns needs to have plans submitted and approved.

  10. Craig Horne says:


    I am building a pitched roof over my patio area. the collums are already there from the lean to that was on the plans.

    Do i need to resubmit new plans for the new roof structure?

    Are there insurance implications when not submitting plans?

    One Architect says that i dont need him for this job, the other insists that he needs to draw up plans for me to submit to the counsel.

    Thanks in advance.

    Craig Horne