Rubbish refuse pollution

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  1. How is dimension of refuse bin storage room calculated.

  2. I suggest you contact your local authority.

  3. Amanda Hall says:

    Good Day

    what does the law require from us regarding fire safety, we have all necessary equipment inside the workshop and offices, is it a must to have a hydrant if there are not one close by, and how do one go about installing one if it is required by law.

  4. Robyn Forte says:

    Good Day,

    We are currently working on a design proposal for Hesketh Lifestyle Estate, Msunduzi Municipality, Pietermaritzburg . Do you have any knowledge regarding the requirements and standards for waste and refuge disposal areas and management? We are specifically looking for the calculations for the disposal area regarding the number of units on site.

    If you have any further information regarding the matter, that would be very helpful.

    Have a good day further.

    kind regards

    Robyn Forte

  5. Robyn Forte says:

    Good Day,

    We are currently working on a design proposal for Hesketh Lifestyle Estate, Msunduzi, KZN. Do you have any knowledge regarding the requirements and standards for waste and refuge disposal areas and management? We are specifically looking for the calculations for the disposal area regarding the number of units on site.

    If you have any further information regarding the matter, that would be very helpful.

    Have a good day further.

    kind regards

    Robyn Forte