old locomotive
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Building a Precast Portal for a Railway Locomotive: Advice

Several Critical Factors Must Be Taken Into Account When designing and constructing a precast portal to support a railway locomotive, especially one that needs to bear a “Class 1” load, several critical factors must be taken into account. These factors include the materials used, the structural design, and the strength of the concrete mix. This…

pouring concrete floor with reinforcing steel
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How to Place Steel Reinforcing in a Concrete Floor Slab

8 Simple steps to throw your concrete slab Building a strong and durable concrete floor slab is essential for any construction project, whether it’s for a residential home, a commercial building, or an industrial site. Steel reinforcing plays a crucial role in providing additional strength to the concrete, ensuring it can withstand the loads and…

Concrete mixes
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Strong Foundations: Mix The Perfect Concrete Every Time

Concrete Mixes & Batch Ratios For Different Applications The basic techniques that will enable you to cast a foundation or slab are relatively straightforward. The secret to success lies largely in the correct concrete mixes and quantities being mixed together in the concrete mixes you use. Although the principles of mixing concrete and mortar are…

building collapses
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Years After Beirut Collapse: Remembering the Lives Lost

Dozens of Residents Die When Building Collapses January 20, 2012: A badly maintained apartment block which was home to some 50 people, collapsed like a pack of cards in Beirut this week, killing at least 25 people. A teenage girl and her grandmother, an elderly man (73), and several labourers from Sudan, Egypt, Jordan and…