Solar panels on house roof
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How to Save Energy: Insights from SANS10400-XA 2 Regulations

James Green – CEO of Ubersolar and Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA SWHDC) Not understanding the law of SANS10400 XA2 can have dire consequences for architects, quantity surveyors, builders and property developers – James Green as Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA SWHDC) points out what…


The Ultimate Guide to Energy Efficiency in S A Homes

Energy Efficiency Has Become More Important Than Ever In a world increasingly concerned about climate change and energy conservation, the concept of energy efficiency has become more important than ever. For homeowners in South Africa, making your home energy-efficient not only helps protect the environment but also saves you money in the long run. In…

energy-efficient building

Is Your Home Energy Efficient? Find Out Now!

Energy-efficient houses and buildings refer to the use of techniques and materials that reduce the amount of energy required to operate and maintain a structure. There are numerous benefits to incorporating energy-efficient features in buildings, ranging from economic to environmental advantages. In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits of energy efficiency…

Building Regulations Part 3
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Bouregulasies Deel 3 – Maklike kundige advies vir huiseienaars

Bouregulasies Deel 3: Deel R tot Deel X & XA Aangesien daar 'n totaal van 23 dele van die SANS 10400 Bouregulasies is, het ons dit in drie afdelings verdeel om die gemak van navigasie te verbeter, hier onder is Bouregulasies Deel 3 Die volgorde in wat die verskillende dele van die regulasies...

fenestration must be calculated

Fenestration and Glazing Guidelines

Fenestration Calculations (Glass size), Procedures, and Calculations. Window area guidelines below The guidelines featured in the pdf below give an idea to anyone wanting to calculate the Fenestration Compliance Procedures in terms of Sans 10400-XA:2011 and SANS 204:2011, what is required, and what is involved. Step-by-step There is a step-by-step guide to area (nett floor)…

energy use roof-solar-system

Save Money, Save Energy: A Guide to SANS 10400-XA in SA

Deel XA – Energiegebruik in geboue Energiegebruik in geboue in Suid-Afrika: 'n Fokus op SANS 10400-XA Energieverbruik in geboue is 'n beduidende bydraer tot kweekhuisgasvrystellings en 'n groot dryfveer van klimaatsverandering. In Suid-Afrika word die energieverbruik in geboue gereguleer deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Standaard (SANS) 10400-XA:...

Construction Future Is Here: Unveiling Part-X Sustainability
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Construction Future Is Here: Unveiling Part-X Sustainability

Part-X: Environmental Sustainability in Construction The construction industry is a vital sector that shapes the physical landscape of our society. Yet, it is also one of the major contributors to environmental degradation. Recognizing this impact, regulatory frameworks such as Part-X in the construction industry are pivotal in promoting and ensuring environmental sustainability. Part-X serves as…

Green roofs garden city
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Groendakke is energiedoeltreffend en omgewingsvriendelik

Green Roofs are gaining popularity One of the most exciting emerging roof technologies that are gaining popularity worldwide is the green roof, an energy-efficient concept that is guaranteed to keep your home cool when the weather is hot, and warm when temperatures plummet. And it doesn’t end there. Green roofs are attractive and they really…

Sustainable building
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Beyond Energy Efficiency: Building A Home That Cares For The Planet

Deur PENNY SWIFT Is jy gereed om groen te gaan? Suid-Afrika, as 'n land, was ongelooflik stadig om die uitdaging van volhoubare lewe aan te pak. Tog moet ons regtig hierdie uitdaging aangryp en bou deur volhoubare materiale en volhoubare metodes te gebruik, sodat ons volhoubare huise het. Ons moet ook 'n...

Bathroom Lighting and ventilation
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Breathe Easy, Build Better: Part O Ventilation & Lighting

Goeie beligting en ventilasie is noodsaaklik vir 'n gesonde leefstyl-Deel O Ingevolge die Nasionale Bouregulasies Deel O, moet alle bewoonbare kamers, insluitend badkamers, storte en toilette (en interessant genoeg motorhuise!) een of ander vorm van beligting en ventilasie hê wat dit moontlik maak. mense om hierdie kamers veilig te gebruik. Die belangrikste aspek is dat dit...