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10 most important things for the Homeowner

The 10 most important things that the South African homeowner should be aware of and look out for when building a house: Additional Considerations: Remember, building a house is a journey, not just a destination. By being proactive, informed, and well-prepared, you can significantly increase your chances of a smooth and successful building experience. Don’t…

The NHBRC manuals sans 10400 regulations
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Die NHBRC (Nasionale Huisbouers Registrasieraad)

Oor die NHBRC Die Nasionale Huisbouers Registrasieraad (Die NHBRC) is in 1998 gestig as 'n regulerende liggaam vir die huisboubedryf. Hulle mandaat is om huisbouverbruikers te beskerm en seker te maak dat boubedryfstandaarde en -regulasies gevolg word. Hul verklaarde doel is om behuisingsverbruikers te beskerm wat kontrakteurs gebruik wat...

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The NHBRC – 8 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The NHBRC – FAQs The NHBRC used to have a page with a number of FAQ (questions and answers) that we now give you on this website. The most common questions and answers we have listed here below. We must point out to all homeowners and potential homeowners, as well as all contractors and homebuilders,…

Owner Build
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Build Your Dreams, Save Money: Top Reasons to Owner-Build

Some Good Reasons to Owner Build The Pros and Cons of Owner Building: A personal review Perhaps you see the owner build exercise as a challenge. Or maybe it is an opportunity for you to prove you can do it better than we did. Maybe you’d decide to owner build just because you can! After all…

The NHBRC manuals sans 10400 regulations
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SANS 10400 regulations, General Principles and Requirements

SANS 10400 Regulasies beheer die Ontwerp, beplanning en toesig oor alle konstruksiewerk Elke afdeling van SANS 10400 regulasies, die Kode van Praktyk vir Die toepassing van die Nasionale Bouregulasies (NBR) word saam met die betrokke uittreksel uit die bouregulasies (wat die wet), en word dan gevolg deur 'n algemene kommentaar wat verduidelik ...

Project manager house build
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The Secret Weapon Of Successful Owner Builders: Project Management

Neem beheer van jou huisbou-onderneming as projekbestuurder Enige iemand wat ernstig is oor eienaarbou, sal 'n mate van beheer wil hê om te verseker dat die projek op koers bly. Dit beteken nie noodwendig dat jy hands-on moet wees nie. Om die rol van projekbestuurder aan te neem beteken eenvoudig dat jy...