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How Criminals Overcome Electric Fences and How to Prevent It

Ways to Boost Security South African homes and businesses must stay vigilant against the techniques criminals use to circumvent electric fences. While these fences can act as a deterrent, they are not infallible, especially if they are poorly installed or maintained. Criminals often use methods such as the “V stick,” conduit pipes, and multiple cutting…

Fire safety
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Understanding Fire Safety Regulations SANS 10400 Part T

Fire Safety – Compliance with these regulations is crucial Fire safety is a paramount consideration in building design and construction with the potential to save lives and protect property. In South Africa, the South African National Standard (SANS) 10400 Part T, titled “Fire Protection,” is the dedicated section of the building regulations that addresses fire…

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Stairway Safety Demystified: A Look at Building Regs Part M

Stairways – Part M – They Must Be Safe It stands to reason that stairways must be safe. If stairs are too steep, and they don’t have railings, or if screens and balustrades are not strong and secure, people may fall with disastrous consequences. What the National Building Regulations say about Stairs and Stairways “Any…

demolition house
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Before You Demolish: Essential Rules You Need to Know (Part E)

Site Safety during Demolitions-Part E The process of demolition is a critical precursor to new construction, but it requires a nuanced understanding of safety regulations outlined in Part E of the National Building Regulations. Part E serves as a guiding light, emphasizing common sense and the exercise of caution. It essentially delves into three pivotal…

electric fence
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Shocking Truth: Are You Breaking Electric Fence Laws?

Kan jy die oortredings van die elektriese heining in hierdie prent sien? Ons het hierdie elektriese heining-installasie onlangs opgemerk en was geskok om te dink dat 'n voldoeningsertifikaat dalk uitgereik is. Die alternatief is dat die eienaars of administrateurs van die muur 'n ongekwalifiseerde elektriese heining installeerder gebruik het, in welke geval daar geen voldoening sou wees nie ...

Electric Fence
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Is Your Electric Fence a Legal Liability? Find Out Now!

By Penny Swift Author Implications of Non-Compliant Electric Fencing and Outdated Certificates of Compliance Electricity is a charged subject that often shocks those who don’t realize how important compliance is. Home Security Just look at all the illegal electrical connections looming over informal settlements. Notice people on social media asking who can do electrical jobs…

Balustrade Stainless Steel
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DIY Balustrade Installation: What You Need To Know

Maak seker dat jou balustrade-stelsel korrek geïnstalleer is Soos dit tans staan, het die individuele of professionele maatskappy wat 'n balustrade-subkontrakteur opdrag gee baie meer verantwoordelikheid rakende hul projek as wat hulle besef. Die Bou-eienaar is verantwoordelik om te verseker dat hul projek aan SANS voldoen en deur 'n gekwalifiseerde Ingenieur afgeteken is. Die Eienaar is dus verantwoordelik vir...

Engineers report on Riga Maxima supermark
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Engineer Specs: Your Blueprint for Building Confidence & Quality

Die foto hierbo: Deur Valenciano – Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29802079 Ingenieurs ontwerp geboue vir 'n doel Ingenieurs regoor die wêreld sal 'n struktuur ontwerp gebaseer op die opdrag wat 'n ontwikkelaar aan hulle gegee het. Die basis vir enige goeie ontwerp is om 'n struktuur te hê wat "geskik vir die doel" is waarvoor dit ...

Building Regulations Part 3
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Bouregulasies Deel 3 – Maklike kundige advies vir huiseienaars

Bouregulasies Deel 3: Deel R tot Deel X & XA Aangesien daar 'n totaal van 23 dele van die SANS 10400 Bouregulasies is, het ons dit in drie afdelings verdeel om die gemak van navigasie te verbeter, hier onder is Bouregulasies Deel 3 Die volgorde in wat die verskillende dele van die regulasies...

johannesburg city
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Building a Better Jozi: Solutions to Illegal Construction

Vinnige stedelike verval in Jozi blameer vir onwettige bou Die Stad Johannesburg het beheer oor stadsbeplanningsoortredings verloor, volgens 'n artikel wat aan die begin van Februarie 2013 in die koerant The Star gepubliseer is. Dit blyk dat hulle eenvoudig nie kan keer dat dit gebeur nie. Die beskuldigings In die artikel het Ros Greeff, die Stad se lid van die...

Drill hole detect pipes
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See What’s Behind The Walls: Ultimate Wire, Pipe, Steel Detector

Water Pipes Detector, Steel Reinforcing andElectric Cable Detector Even though instruments that detect pipes and cables have been around for a number of years, they are, I believe, underused. Detect pipes and cable detectors are indispensable tools for any contractors in the building industry from plumbers to electricians, and installers who have to drill holes…

building collapses
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Years After Beirut Collapse: Remembering the Lives Lost

Tientalle inwoners sterf toe gebou ineenstort 20 Januarie 2012: 'n Swak onderhoude woonstelblok wat die tuiste van sowat 50 mense was, het hierdie week soos 'n pak kaarte in Beiroet ineengestort en minstens 25 mense doodgemaak. ’n Tienermeisie en haar ouma, ’n bejaarde man (73), en verskeie arbeiders van Soedan, Egipte, Jordanië en...

Bathroom Lighting and ventilation
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Breathe Easy, Build Better: Part O Ventilation & Lighting

Goeie beligting en ventilasie is noodsaaklik vir 'n gesonde leefstyl-Deel O Ingevolge die Nasionale Bouregulasies Deel O, moet alle bewoonbare kamers, insluitend badkamers, storte en toilette (en interessant genoeg motorhuise!) een of ander vorm van beligting en ventilasie hê wat dit moontlik maak. mense om hierdie kamers veilig te gebruik. Die belangrikste aspek is dat dit...