Build up the walls

SANS 10400 Part A Explained: Building Regulations Made Simple

SANS 10400 Part A: Unveiling the Foundations of Building Regulations Part A of SANS 10400, commonly denoted as “Part A,” sets the groundwork for the fundamental principles and requirements governing construction and development. Building regulations are the cornerstone of safe and sustainable construction practices, providing a framework to ensure that buildings meet specific standards. In…

3d-printed house
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The Future Is Here: 3D-Printed Homes In The Netherlands

Vyf 3D-gedrukte huisprojekte vir Nederland beplan Teen hierdie tyd volgende jaar sal 'n dorp in Nederland, Eindhoven, sy eerste paar 3D-gedrukte huise laat bou en gereed wees vir mense om in te woon. Daar is 'n paar maatskappye wat saam met Eindhoven werk Universiteit van Tegnologie en die plaaslike munisipaliteit oor Project Milestone. 3D-beton druk...

Nkandla is Probably the Most Costly Owner Building Project
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Nkandla is Probably the Most Costly Owner Building Project

Nkandla – At What Cost? Traditions come and go, and it seems once again to be a growing trend to have extended family living together in one home. But the numbers have grown out of hand at Zumaville, with the President’s brothers, many wives, and who knows who else living in the outrageously expensive “compound”….

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Stadsbeplanningskema 2011 – Johannesburg

Gekonsolideerde Johannesburg Stadsbeplanningskema, 2011 Laai die Johannesburg Stadsbeplanningskema dokument hieronder af Ons het hierdie Johannesburg Stadsbeplanningskema dokument ingesluit om jou te help met toegang tot die korrekte inligting sodat jy die regte besluite kan neem wanneer dit kom by die beplanning van enige konstruksie, gebou en opknapping of die aankoop van eiendom …

Town Planning

Unlocking Permits: Understand Building Regulations Quickly

A tot Z Woordelys van definisies en terme wat in die Nasionale Bouregulasies gebruik word. Praktykkode Elke bedryf het terme en definisies wat spesifiek vir daardie bedryf is, en die boubedryf is geen uitsondering nie. Hierdie woordelys van definisies van Nasionale Bouregulasies vorm deel van die Wet op Nasionale Bouregulasies en Boustandaarde (Wet...

fenestration must be calculated

Fenestration and Glazing Guidelines

Fenestration Calculations (Glass size), Procedures, and Calculations. Window area guidelines below The guidelines featured in the pdf below give an idea to anyone wanting to calculate the Fenestration Compliance Procedures in terms of Sans 10400-XA:2011 and SANS 204:2011, what is required, and what is involved. Step-by-step There is a step-by-step guide to area (nett floor)…

Drill hole detect pipes
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See What’s Behind The Walls: Ultimate Wire, Pipe, Steel Detector

Water Pipes Detector, Steel Reinforcing andElectric Cable Detector Even though instruments that detect pipes and cables have been around for a number of years, they are, I believe, underused. Detect pipes and cable detectors are indispensable tools for any contractors in the building industry from plumbers to electricians, and installers who have to drill holes…

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The NHBRC – 8 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The NHBRC – FAQs The NHBRC used to have a page with a number of FAQ (questions and answers) that we now give you on this website. The most common questions and answers we have listed here below. We must point out to all homeowners and potential homeowners, as well as all contractors and homebuilders,…

The NHBRC manuals sans 10400 regulations
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SANS 10400 regulations, General Principles and Requirements

SANS 10400 Regulasies beheer die Ontwerp, beplanning en toesig oor alle konstruksiewerk Elke afdeling van SANS 10400 regulasies, die Kode van Praktyk vir Die toepassing van die Nasionale Bouregulasies (NBR) word saam met die betrokke uittreksel uit die bouregulasies (wat die wet), en word dan gevolg deur 'n algemene kommentaar wat verduidelik ...


Nuus en sienings

Construction News, Views and Interviews There’s always something going on in the world of construction, whether it’s a new building material affected by the building regulations, an innovative technique, an accident on a building site, or an achievement of somebody in the industry that is worthy of attention. Relevant Building Regulations While we endeavour to…